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This is a version of my monthly email update. If you’d like to receive it, just sign up and you’ll get it when I send it!

February was a month of different experiences in a variety of different areas within the church. This has been probably the most stretching month of my Internship so far.

One thing that I have been working on this month is relying on God, even in the things that I am gifted in. Without his help, I will be doing everything on my own strength. Although an event might go well, without the Power of God, the event is just a good event. The transforming power of God must be involved in the process or else the results could be temporary, and not eternal.

Midnight Rocks!

One interesting part of my internship is that I get to shadow every member of the staff and one of those weeks was seeing what the Children’s Pastor does. Children’s Ministry has never been one of my strengths, but this week pushed me to grow.

We held an event called Midnight Rocks which was “Kid’s night out, parent’s night off” and had over 70 kids come to the event for the event! I was deeply encouraged Sunday morning when I got to announce to the entire church that 15 of those kids had no affiliation with the church and had never attended an event at Centennial Road.

It was so encouraging to see such a big dividend for the Kingdom with all the hard work that went into the event.


Engaging Community Leaders

McCaila and I had the opportunity to help plan and execute the kick-off breakfast for Leadercast Brockville 2017. It was a pleasure to invite community leaders into the church and share with them the importance of investing in leaders – not only those at the top of their organisational charts, but also the everyday person.

The range of people who attend Leadercast is wide, from floor employees of a local factory to the chief of police. This year’s event features Andy Stanely who is a Christian author who excels in leadership teaching using biblical principles but packaging it in a way for the secular world. For more information, visit Leadercast Brockville.


Valentine’s Day Blessing

One of my favourite things to do is to visit the homebound members of our church. On Valentine’s Day, I got the opportunity to go and distribute cards and treats that the children had put together for the people who were in a nursing home.

Pastor Terry and I were originally turned away from the first home because they were in the middle of a Valentine’s Day tea party, but God had a bigger plan for us that day.

We went to the second home and were given a staff member who walked around with us to each room and delivered a goodie bag to each resident, based on their dietary needs. The joy and love that the people found through someone thinking about them were deeply encouraging and I was thankful to show God’s love on the day of love.


Leading Prayer

Bringing the needs of God’s people to God is a weighty responsibility but is an important part of our service. I met with Pastor Eric and he coached me on an amazing method for leading a pastoral prayer. He called it the ACTS method.

It begins with Adoration – telling God how good He is. The prayer then moves to Confession – confessing our sins against God. It then moves to Thanksgiving – how you are thankful for God working in your life. The final portion of the prayer is Supplication – this is where we ask God to intercede for us.

Pastor Eric also reminded me to pray for Jerusalem, Judea, and the ends of the world. This was an awesome opportunity to be used by God and bring the needs of His people before Him!


Building the Youth

One visible need I saw at Centennial Road was how the youth room was very cold in appearance – concrete walls and harsh lights from the gym. So with the blessing of the youth pastor, the kids and I took it upon ourselves to build a pallet wall along one side to warm the room up for youth Alpha.

After two days of construction, we built several panels and it had a major pay off. The youth who came for Alpha were much more comfortable in sharing because it had a coffee shop feel with the Christmas lights and the renters who also use that space loved the change in decor.

Over the two days, many conversations happened between these kids and myself, and those would never have happened without taking the time to work together. I was deeply thankful for that time where the group as a whole was able to become closer.

Answered Prayers

Growing Deeper – A prayer over internship has been a renewed passion for God and a deepening of my relationship and he has been hearing those prayers and answering them. I have had deeper prayer times and intentional time with Him. It’s been amazing!

Prayer Points

DBMD – I have my District Board of Ministerial Development meeting on Thursday which is an interview to see how I am doing in regard to ordination. I also have a meeting with my District Superintendent about opportunities to serve in the Central Canada District.