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This is a version of my monthly email update. If you’d like to receive it, just sign up and you’ll get it when I send it! 


September was a very busy month but that’s pretty typical at my time at Kingswood. I’ve lightened my load of extra activities and God has been speaking to me through my classes.

One of the biggest changes to thoughts I’ve had is from the readings for my Doctrine of Holiness class. John Wesley, in A Plain Account of Christian Perfection states that everything we do either serves the Kingdom of God, or ourselves, which is actually the kingdom of Satan. There are no neutral acts.

This has really opened my eyes to something I never understood before. Everyone says you can worship through everything you do, but I never really understood how this was possible until now. Hosting the Encounter services was worship. Giving a tour of the campus is worship. Sitting alone in creation is worship.


Student Ministerial Licence!

This past July, my home district (Central Canada) voted at the annual district conference to give me Ministerial Student status and I finally got my pocket certification. It was a pretty cool feeling opening up the envelope and seeing this!


The Parents are in Town!

My parents had planned in February to come visit me at Kingswood because I wasn’t planning to go home after serving at Headquarters in Indiana. Although I did end up going back to Toronto, it was still great to show them around Kingswood and New Brunswick. They loved the Maritimes and Kingswood and I was thankful for the time I got to spend with them.


God’s Provision

Paying for Kingswood has always been a challenge and I have had to work 3-4 jobs throughout my time here to scrape by. I had an unspoken agreement with Kingswood that I would finish paying my school bill each year when I got out of school and could work full time during the summer. This won’t be the case this year.

God provided in a huge way for me through the Edgett’s donation to the Kingswood scholarship fund. I am fully paid for the full school year! I’ll be able to graduate and also be in a better place financially once I leave Kingswood. God is good.


Encounter Weekend

Encounter weekend was… awesome. I can’t really describe it any other way. McCaila Cosgrove and I played a large part in the planning the weekend. Encounter is one of the biggest events at KU and it was a great success. McCaila lead the students in worship in a way only she could and many lives were changed over the weekend. Jr and I got to host the pre-rally entertainment and it all went smoothly. God used the gifts and personality he gave me and I am so thankful that he provides these opportunities to serve Him in these awesome ways.

Answered Prayers

Internship – God is working in really neat ways in the internship front and I’m thankful for His guiding hand in this area. This is required for me to finish my schooling at Kingswood and to graduate.

Matt’s Eulogy – It went really well. I have learned to worship God in a new way through all the events related to Matthew’s death and it feels deeper than ever before. God gave me strength to do the presentation and it went well.

Prayer Points

Internship – Things are becoming more clear in this area but I am continuing to pray through the different options.

Training New Staff – With my departure from Kingswood in January I have been tasked with training up the next generation of people to do the video work here. I feel like I’m in over my head with having to create training materials.

Preaching – I’ve been asked to preach on the south shore of Nova Scotia over American Thanksgiving break. This is a brand new ministry in the area and I need God’s guidance to preach what He wants those people to hear.